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15 User Outdoor Gym Bumper Package for Primary Schools ONLY £8250.

The Bumper Package, our most popular outdoor gym bundle, includes our 6 most popular products and allows 15 pupils to exercise at once.

Now ONLY £8,250! This amazing price includes everything from delivery to installation, there are no hidden costs. Once ordered, we can install within 4-6 weeks too!

ONLY £8,250!

What's included in the Bumper Primary Package?

The Bumper Package, our most sought-after outdoor gym bundle, designed specifically for childrne in Key Stages 1 & 2, includes our 6 most popular products, allowing 15 children to exercise at once. 

Full of dynamic, moving pieces that children love to use, each piece has been carefully selected to provide children with a range of physical exercises, increasing cardio strength, muscular tone, flexibility and co-ordination, while boosting their mental health and focus in the classroom. 

6 products from our Children's range, include:  

and for a limited time, this package is ONLY £8,250, including delivery and installation! 

Call us today to find out more on 01483 608860 or complete the simple form below.  


Need Funding?

If you require additional funding support please let us know.  Our experts are on hand to take the work out of the funding process for you.  Many of our installations have been successful due to funding support, many 100% funded!  

About Us

Fresh Air Fitness is a leading provider of outdoor gym equipment. We have worked with more than 1000 primary schools across the UK installing outdoor gyms from our Children's Range. 

We know that, to be successful in the long term, exercise needs to be enjoyable and research shows that children really enjoy using our gyms, from the very sporty to those who would normally shy away from organised physical activity. In fact having previously asking them, we know that 96% of kids who have had our equipment installed believe that having an outdoor gym makes their school a better place to be.  

Would you like to work with us?

Working together, we will create an innovative outdoor gym for your needs.


This new sports facility has been an instant hit with our pupils. Used during break time, it keeps the children active irrespective of their fitness level, they all want to have a go!


Our new outdoor gym has been a fantastic addition to our physical education lessons. Installation was quick and simple. The equipment offers the children a challenging workout using very different movement, complimenting their learning greatly


The children love to use it and we have seen their confidence grow as they develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance while using this adult style equipment


The Benefits of an Outdoor Gym

  • Keeps children active during playtime as well as PE lessons, helping them engage with regular physical activity
  • Sustainable facility, benefiting pupils now and those joining the school in future years
  • 6 week lesson planner supports teachers to use the gym during PE lessons, increasing confidence, knowledge and skills
  • FREE Onsite teacher training following the installation of this package!
  • Pupils develop flexibility, muscular strength, technique, control and balance
  • Enhance fitness, emotional wellbeing and social interaction using our curriculum-friendly lesson plans
  • Gender neutral PE facility for the whole school
  • Safe, simple and fun to use. Dynamic, moving pieces, ideal for key stage 1 and 2.
  • Raises the profile of PE and sport across the school

Research findings


Children said

"having an outdoor gym makes school a better place to be"


Children said

"using the outdoor gym helps my work in class"


Children said

"they'd done more exercise following their school's outdoor gym installation"

Children's instructional animations

We offer a full collection of these videos with every outdoor gym installation. Supporting teaching staff and children to get the very best out of their new equipment.

New outdoor gym "transforms activity levels"


The children of Ravenscote are more physically active than ever thanks to the PE and Sport Premium being used to purchase a new outdoor gym.


Outdoor Gym Equipment Package Offer and Lesson Plans

Make an enquiry

Alternatively, speak to one of our experts: 01483 608 860





Special educational needs


Here to help!

If you would like to find out more or have any questions at all, we are here to help. Speak to one of our outdoor fitness equipment experts on 01483 608 860 or alternatively email our team using the link below:


Primary School Offer: Buy 4 get the 5th FREE


Primary School Outdoor Gym Equipment