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Tips for staying fit and healthy during lockdown

As we find ourselves in these unprecedented times, it’s important to remember that even with the ever-increasing restrictions currently on our lives, it’s still possible to lead a healthy lifestyle.

man getting ready for a run

26th March 2020

Find new ways of exercising

Although it seems like an obvious thing to say, it has never been more important to get a decent amount of exercise each day. Just because gyms (now even outdoor ones!) have closed their doors for the time being, it doesn’t mean we can’t find other ways to stay fit. Whether this is a home workout in the lounge with your children, venturing outside for some fresh air, or a Yoga/Pilates routine in the garden - our body and mind will thank us for it!

If you want to walk/cycle/run there are lots of apps that allow you to log and record each workout. Maybe try to increase the distance you do each day and set yourself a realistic target for a few weeks away and build towards it. Not only will you be getting fitter as you build towards that target, you’ll feel good about yourself for sticking to your new routine.

Body weight workouts will mean you won’t miss the weights as much as you probably think! There are lots of examples online showing strength exercises that require no equipment and can be done virtually anywhere.

Eat healthily

Another obvious one, but crucial, nonetheless. Supermarkets across the UK have been interesting places over the past few weeks. Although toilet roll, dried pasta and any form of antibacterial product still seem to be the in-demand products right now, every time I have been into a shop (whether large or small) there has always been a good selection of fruit and vegetables. With even more importance currently placed on a healthy immune system, consuming plenty of fruit and vegetables will give your body the important vitamins and minerals essential for helping to fight off disease and infections.

Try to avoid the temptation of just snacking throughout the day and try to structure your meals in the same way you would normally. Eating healthy will also go some way to making you feel slightly better about the situation we all find ourselves in. It will help you sleep better and will give you more energy to stick to your exercise routines!

Be mindful 

More and more people are now recognising that mental health is just as equally important as physical health.

With recent events you’d be forgiven for thinking the mental health of the whole nation/world has taken a bit of a collective whack. Try to be grateful for the things you have and don’t dwell on things going on that you can’t change right now. Although it’s undeniably as important as ever to keep up to date with what’s going on in the world, try to limit the amount of news you watch. With 24 hour rolling news channels it’s easy to just have it on in the background the whole time.  Set a time, say 5pm, catch up and then do something else. Really appreciate any time you spend outside and the time of year it is. Don’t look at your phone too much and try to look at the bigger picture as often as you can.

Do something new

I know this certainly doesn’t apply to everyone, but It’s fair to say a lot of people are now going to find themselves with considerably more time on their hands over the coming weeks and months. Try not to see it as a prison sentence and more of an opportunity to try something new or get back into something you used to enjoy doing. Whether that’s painting, learning a language, getting better at an instrument you’re learning or finally getting around to that DIY project you’ve been putting off for ages! Activities like these focus the mind to the task at hand leaving no time to worry or stress about what’s going on around us. Do it – you have no excuse now!

Don't forget the good habits you had before

If your job is more active and you are currently unable to carry it out – try to stay active!  If you are typically office based and find yourself working from home for the first time, try to keep the good practices you have in the office. Good posture and a correct set up with your screen/laptop are equally as important when working from home. Don’t sprawl out on the sofa or look at the screen or type from an unnatural angle – your spine and muscles really won’t like it! Try to combine all the previous good habits with the new ones you have started. Think about what worked well for you before, and how you can somehow replicate that in the current climate.

I hope these tips help. Stay safe, keep washing your hands, abide to social distancing that will allow our incredible NHS staff and other key workers to do their jobs.

Things will eventually get better and return to some sort of normality. And who knows? You could be the healthiest and fittest you’ve ever been when it does. There’s no reason why you can’t be.

Best regards


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