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Tackling childhood obesity is about more than just diet and exercise

The World Health Organisation has just issued a report warning that obesity is in danger of becoming the new norm with 20% of 10-11 year olds now classified as obese.

Children on the way to using adventure playground equipment

6th November 2017

But its not just as simple as improving diet and increasing exercise. Modern lifestyles have meant that children are not developing the levels of physical literacy and competence to be able to engage and benefit from physical activity. Schools need to be able to monitor children's activity levels and to provide as many opportunities as possible for children to play and exercise and learn from different types of movement. That is why Fresh Air Fitnesses range of outdoor gym equipment for schools and other outdoor exercise products are such great additions to school playgrounds. They are fun to use with a variety of interesting movements and activities that build physical confidence and improve fitness, balance, coordination and physical literacy.

Read more about the importance of tackling childhood obesity in this article. To find out more about the range of outdoor gym equipment that we offer for schools, visit our Education page.

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Primary School Outdoor Gym Equipment