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Lady using outdoor fitness for older people

Physical activity is a “miracle cure”

Report states that exercise prevents many of the illnesses and diseases associated with old age

Older People Exercising in Outdoor Gym | Outdoor Fitness for Older People

27th November 2017

A new report by the not for profit health body UKactive says that physical activity is a “miracle cure” that could prevent or delay many of the illnesses and diseases associated with old age. Keeping active in our later years is vital to physical and mental well-being. To help get the message across and to nudge older people into getting active they suggest enrolling the help of Meals and Wheels workers and pharmacists who often have frequent interactions with older people. The cost of social care currently stands at £100n per year and with 1 in 5 of the population being aged over 65 by 2025, this bill will only rise.

Fresh Air Fitness products are a great way to encourage outdoor fitness for older people, which is why it's so important to facilitate their access to outside gym equipment. Find out more about our equipment for senior fitness here, or read our Marina Court Care Home success story to see how beneficial a "pensioners' playground" can be for users in their later years.

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